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英文學習分享-TOEIC 990【學生】

My English Learning Journey: How I Achieved a 990 on TOEIC

When it comes to mastering a language, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Different methods work best for other people. In my case, it's all about "Immersion."

I immersed myself in English by making it an integral part of my daily life. Here are some practices that come to mind:

● I set the language of my electronic devices to English.

● I intentionally curate my social media following to include English speakers, and the online communities I'm part of are predominantly English-speaking.

● Whenever I needed to find information online, I relied on English sources.

● I made it a habit to read books and watch movies in English whenever possible.

Let me elaborate on my last point, as it's the cornerstone of my success. Essentially, you want to integrate English into your hobbies or entertainment, making learning an enjoyable experience. In my case, I indulged in English fiction, such as comics and novels. I also watched movies in English. It's worth noting that these sources don't have to be exclusively Western; anything in English, such as subbed or dubbed movies, English-translated Japanese or Chinese literature, etc., can be just as effective.

The reason this approach works so well is that you're inherently more motivated when you're engaging in something you love. While reading, I'm constantly curious about what comes next in the story, which pushes me to read faster. I also want to ensure I get all the details in the narrative, prompting me to look up unfamiliar words. These words stick in my memory longer because I understand the context in which they are used through the narrative, making them far more effective than memorizing words from an English dictionary.

When you start, it's undoubtedly going to be challenging. I still vividly remember spending hours deciphering a single page when I first began. However, with time and perseverance, I can now read any book as fluently as if it were written in my native language.

To sum it up, through immersion, you expose yourself constantly to the language you want to learn. Keep at it, and one day, you'll reach a point where you don't need to think when consuming English media consciously; It will come naturally to you as if it's your native tongue. This is when you know that you've achieved fluency. At this point, taking an English proficiency exam like TOEIC feels just like an extension of your daily routine.

However, immersion is a long-term process that requires patience and dedication. So, I'd like to share some specific tips for conquering the TOEIC based on my personal experience for those who need to tackle the test soon:

● Ensure you are well-rested. The most challenging aspect of TOEIC, in my opinion, is the time constraint. Therefore, having your mind in peak condition is crucial, maintaining focus throughout the whole 2-hour exam.

● Familiarize yourself with the test format, such as the number and types of questions, the time limit, and the scoring system.

● During the reading section, I find it beneficial to skim through the texts before looking at the questions. Skimming involves quickly reading the text to grasp the main ideas of each paragraph. Avoid getting bogged down by names, timetables, numbers, etc., as they can be counterproductive and time-consuming. By skimming the text in advance, you'll hopefully identify which paragraph holds the answer to each question, saving you valuable time.

In conclusion, achieving a 990 on the TOEIC is not an overnight feat but the result of consistent effort over the years. Remember that language mastery is a journey, and learning English through immersion is a testament to the power of persistence and dedication. So, keep your passion for learning alive, and your language skills will continue to flourish. Ultimately, the TOEIC exam will be just another milestone on your ongoing path to English proficiency.(Electronic Engineering- Student Vincent Taneri- Learning Experience Sharing)