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  1. OPEN(Online Professional English Network)Program by Ohio University

As part of the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, this program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by FHI 360.

OPEN Website (opens new window)

  1. EMI demonstration by Dongguk University

Videos include: 1. Checking for understanding 2. Setting quizzes and exams 3. 3. EMI Classroom management 4. Facilitating discussion 5. activating prior knowledge 6. Managing the Large Lecture 7. Explain, Demonstrate, Model 8. Guide Practice

EMI demonstration by Dongguk University Website (opens new window)

  1. English for Education Systems by British Council

English for Education Systems (EES) Taiwan works with the Ministry of Education, reputable education focused organisations, teaching professionals, and students to improve the quality of English learning, teaching, and assessment across the country. In addition, EES aims to empower our stakeholders to gain the skills, confidence, connections and understanding they need to realise their potential and to participate in strong, inclusive, cosmopolitan, and internationalised communities of best practice.

nglish for Education Systems by British Council Website (opens new window)



  1. 111-2 課堂經營應外系-雷若琬老師
